Web logs & web pages offer a wonderful opportunity to share writings, opinions or any comment. I hope that between lines there is something real. Los weblogs y las pag web ofrecen una maravillosa oportunidad publicar cualquier escrito. Espero que entre lineas haya algo real. Les blogs ainsi que les pages Web offrent une merveilleuse occasion de partager l'écriture. J'espère qu'il y a quelque chose de réel entre les lignes.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
KAIZEN. Small Improvements
POMODORO technique. 25 work 5 rest
HARA HACHI BU. Eat 80% not 100%
SHOSHIN. Beginner mindset open to learning
WABI SABI. Embrace imperfection. Beauty in simplicity.
FOREST BATHING. Spend time in nature
KAKEIBO. Finances in order
Friday, January 27, 2023
Breathing Meditations
Breathe in and out deeply.
And focus your attention on your breathing,
Observe how every time you breathe in your body is filled with light.
Breathe in and out deeply.
Your body is filling with light, each time more luminous.
And this light also extends below you, growing like luminous roots that expand and go deep into the earth.
See how your roots of light are getting deeper and deeper
and they go further. Until they find the connection they were looking for.
They find the connection with the four elements and begin to fill themselves with these four energies, which go up through your roots until they reach you, and enter through your feet and now move through your feet and legs.
Feel how everything that weighs is cleaned from your feet and legs
And your feet are filled with the strength of the earth, feel like you're walking in the right direction
With the power of water, be excited by each step you take, and each step you see others take
With the force of the air, feel that your direction is light
With the strength of the fire, feel the strength you need in you
See how this energy now moves up your waist, and illuminates your waist.
Feel how everything that weighs on your waist is cleansed from you;
And your waist is filled with the strength of the earth, look firm to your goals
With the force of the water, clearly see the direction to follow
With the force of the air, enjoy your way with joy and well-being
With the force of fire, feel your body revitalized
See how this energy now rises up to your chest, and lights up your chest.
Feel how everything that weighs on your chest is cleansed from you;
And your chest fills with the strength of the earth, giving you courage
With the force of the water, giving you peace and love towards everything.
With the force of the air, which fills you with confidence
With the force of fire, which makes you feel alive and confident in life
See how this energy now rises up your throat, and illuminates your throat.
Feel how everything that weighs on your throat is cleansed from you;
And your throat is filled with the force of the earth, to show who you really are.
With the force of water, to be able clearly express yourself
With the force of the air, to feel how your interior is ordered, structured
With the force of fire, to have the courage in you to share your true essence.
See how this energy now rises up to your head, and illuminates your head.
Feel how everything that weighs on your head is cleansed from you, and repeat inside yourself; "Here and now I receive my intuition and with this light, I feel active."
And your head is filled with the force of the earth, feel the connection with everything that surrounds you
With the force of water, information flows around you
With the force of the air, to connect with your intuition
With the force of fire, to feel the power of this connection
See how this energy now spreads around you, in all the air around you, and illuminates it.
And your surroundings are filled with the strength of the earth, feel like a mountain, securely stable... Let the essence of the mountain integrate into you.
It is filled with the force of water, feel like a crystal clear lake, where you can see through you everything that is inside you, and beyond. Let the essence of the lake, of calm, of peace, of serenity integrate into you.
Your surroundings are filled with the force of the air, you feel like the air that surrounds everything, embraces everything, capable of understanding. Integrate the essence of air in you, of understanding.
And with the force of the fire, which gives you energy and strength to achieve your goals, you feel like a big candle, illuminating the darkness. Let the essence of the candle be integrated into you too, capable of bringing light wherever you go.
See how your whole body is luminous now, and contains the strength of the 4 elements. Keep this feeling because just by remembering it, you can bring it back to your body.
The type of breathing that we will do today is a stimulating breath, to activate the sympathetic nervous system and start the day with energy. It is called breath of fire or kapalabhati.
It is very important not to practice this exercise if you suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure, feeling dizzy, pregnant, lung disease or any discomfort occurs.
It is a breath that begins in the lower abdomen using the abdominal muscles, contracting them inwards to expel the air and then relaxing them so that the air enters automatically. It's a forced exhalation using the abdomen and worrying only about the exhalation, we're going to be strong and then we're going to relax so that the air goes in automatically, it sounds more or less like this (ha, ha, ha, ha) you have to hold the rest of the body relaxed, focusing only on the abdomen, to do this breathing, sit in a position that is comfortable, with a straight back, if you are sitting on a chair, sit a little towards the end of the chair, without leaning your back on the back, we are going to do the first round, remember relaxed shoulders, relaxed face and we focus on the lower abdomen, let's start.
Inhale deeply
Exhale all the air
and we start at 321 ex, ex, ex, ex, ex 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 breathe normally, relax your face, relax your shoulders, you may have the sensation of wanting to force the inhalation, but with practice you will see that This occurs automatically after relaxing the abdomen. Remember they are strong exhalations through the nose using the lower abdomen. Let's go for the second round, we start at 3 2 1.
Exhale Exhale Exhale Ex Ex Ex Ex 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
You will notice that heat is generated in the body, and the respiratory tracts are cleaned, this breathing stimulates all the tissues of the body, increases the supply of oxygen and helps to eliminate toxins from the lungs and activates the abdominal organs.
let's go for the last round 321 exhale exhale exhale ex ex, ex, ex 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.
Breathe normally, Relax your breathing return to normal breathing.
With this exercise you have already activated your sympathetic nervous system, now you have mobilized the energy to start your day, enjoy your day.
Enjoy your day
Today we are going to do a breathing exercise to help fall asleep, a meditation to help activate the parasympathetic branch, remember the diaphragm is traversed by the vagus nerve, one of the most important nerves of the parasympathetic branch. When it is stimulated with the movement of the diaphragm that stimulates the parasympathetic branch and therefore calms us down and brings us closer to the dream state we want.
It is important to do this breathing lying down and only before taking a nap or before going to sleep, it is not recommended if you have to drive or do any other activity afterwards. also remember that when we breathe about 6 cycles per minute we are in our center, at a point that stimulates the balance between systems. When we breathe faster, that is to say, normally our day to day we are stimulating the sympathetic system, so for this breathing we need the opposite, breathing less than 6 times per minute but in a way that is relaxing and using our diaphragm.
So we are going to lie down, we are going to put our right hand on the chest and our left hand on top of the diaphragm and we are going to take deep diaphragmatic breaths to do it, we are going to inhale deeply in 4 seconds and we are going to exhale in 8 you can help yourself from the oceanic breathing, closing the glottis to regulate the air outlet, let's start.
Inspire at 1234 and expire at 87654321. Breathe in again at 1234 and exhale at 87654321.
And we return..
Inspire at 1234 and expire at 87654321. Breathe in again at 1234 and exhale at 87654321.
Today we are going to do a breathing exercise to help fall asleep, a meditation to help activate the parasympathetic branch, remember the diaphragm is traversed by the vagus nerve, one of the most important nerves of the parasympathetic branch. When it is stimulated with the movement of the diaphragm that stimulates the parasympathetic branch and therefore calms us down and brings us closer to the dream state we want.
It is important to do this breathing lying down and only before taking a nap or before going to sleep, it is not recommended if you have to drive or do any other activity afterwards. also remember that when we breathe about 6 cycles per minute we are in our center, at a point that stimulates the balance between systems. When we breathe faster, that is to say, normally our day to day we are stimulating the sympathetic system, so for this breathing we need the opposite, breathing less than 6 times per minute but in a way that is relaxing and using our diaphragm.
So we are going to lie down, we are going to put our right hand on the chest and our left hand on top of the diaphragm and we are going to take deep diaphragmatic breaths to do it, we are going to inhale deeply in 4 seconds and we are going to exhale in 8 you can help yourself from the oceanic breathing, closing the glottis to regulate the air outlet, let's start.
Inspire at 1234 and expire at 87654321. Breathe in again at 1234 and exhale at 87654321.
And we return..
Inspire at 1234 and expire at 87654321. Breathe in again at 1234 and exhale at 87654321.
This breathing that we are going to do falls into the category of Water-type breathing and serves to balance our nervous system. It can be done at any time of the day to help find our balance and improve our concentration. If we feel a little stressed or sleepy, this breathing will take us back to a center, to a balance between the two branches, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic.
We are going to inhale in four counts and exhale in four counts as well, making a small pause with full lungs and another small pause with empty lungs, basically we are going to inhale in 4 seconds, we are going to hold a second, we are going to exhale in 4 seconds , and we're going to hold on for one more second before starting this loop again. In this way, each cycle of breaths will last 10 seconds, thus managing to breathe 6 times per minute, which is the ideal frequency to keep us in the center, in balance between the two branches.
We're going to do three rounds of 10 breaths. You can do this recovery lying down or Place yourself in a chair with your back straight, place your right hand on your chest and your left hand on your abdomen, every time you inhale, you have to feel how your left hand goes up, you have to see how it goes up your abdomen performing a diaphragmatic breath...
Inhale at 1234, exhale at 4321, inhale at 1234, exhale at 4321
breathe naturally
This breath is ideal to do it at any time of the day, when we do diaphragmatic breathing it stimulates the vagus nerve. When you are stimulated, we activate the parasympathetic branch, which will lower our stress and bring us to a point of balance, we are going to repeat it.
Inhale at 1234, exhale at 4321, inhale at 1234, exhale at 4321
It is important to breathe in and out through the nose, and remember to do it in an oceanic way. And remember to do it in an oceanic way in the nose there are some neurosensors. They detect the entry of air. When no air enters, this sends the alert signal to the brain that would automatically create an alarm and stress response, which we want to avoid. by doing it in an oceanic way, graduating the air outlet with the glottis, we make a noise similar to that of the waves of the sea that also create a calming effect, we are going to do the last round.
Inhale at 1234, exhale at 4321, inhale at 1234, exhale at 4321
Today we are going to do another Water type breathing, balancing, an ideal breath to find balance between both branches, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. It is an ideal breath to do at any time of the day, especially if we feel a little stressed or sleepy, this breath will become ours to continue with our work.
This breathing is called alternated because we are going to inhale and exhale each time through a different nostril, to do so we are going to press one of our nostrils with a finger and we are going to inhale through the one that is free.
At this moment, when our lungs are full, it is when we are going to change the nostril, we are going to press the other and exhale.
It is important that after exhaling, we remain there, with the same nostrils covered, and inhale again. When our lungs are full, it is the moment in which we will change nostrils again and expire. It is important to remember that we always change after inhaling.
The in-breath and the out-breath will be the same as with the 44 breath, so let's get started. You can sit in a chair with your back straight, cover your right nostril and…
Inspire 1234, change and expire 4321
And again, Inspire 1234, change and expire 4321...
And you normalize your breathing. You can perform the Pranayama mudra, that is, a gesture with the hand to better control the nostril through which we breathe. Take the index and middle fingers of the right hand and pick them up with the base of the thumb, with the thumb free, you are going to cover your right nasal force and with the ring finger and the boy you are going to press the left nostril when he is in the now, let's try it, cover the right nostril with your right thumb and inhale 1234, instead cover the left nostril with your ring and small fingers and exhale 4321, and continue pressing with the same fingers.
It is important to breathe in and out through the nose AND remember to do it in an oceanic way. This will help you regulate the entry and exit of air if you need it, so as not to run out of air in the middle of the cycle. Let's practice one more time, cover your right nostril with your right thumb.
And inspire 1234, change and cover the left door with your ring and small fingers...
And expire 4321….
Inspire 1234, Change, and expire 4321…
Hope this helps someone!
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