Saturday, February 18, 2012

blogging is off fashion sorry

(As you can see since the networking started.. )Como pueden ver desde que empezo el sharing, social networks, hang outs & other people have stropped blogging, in the meanwhile wordpress got really big, but so did facebook and twitter was ground breaking, also the like buttons which are easily available, html doesn´t seem that foreign anymore. On top of this loads of messaging and connections are done in other social sites, like tumblr, google+, msn, myspace, dating sites, webcam sites and so on.. mac has also got its share to share as ipad software, instagram, itunes, etc.. and our favourite penguin linux and its devian, android, and other open software platforms have made web logs or commonly known as bloggs stay back behind ...

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7 TED Talks en Español

1-Cómo dejar de joderte | Mel Robbins 2-El arte de desorientar | Apollo Robbins  3-¿Qué te hace especial? | Mariana Atencio  4-Cambia tus pe...