Monday, February 20, 2012

new blogger outlook (new incentive to come back)

I would´ve thought these blogs would´ve disappeared by now.. but, no... quite the opposite, they have merged and improved due to, guess who? .. Google Inc. what a powerful Co. beware! So I come here once again, many years have passed, i think I once wrote about that how all things at sight might suddenly change, I by suddenly I mean in no more than a couple of years, well this is the case... In fact I´ve changed too. Maybe 6 years ago I was writing easily all these entries and then I got busied up with all the events occurring in my life, now I´m about to write but it must with other purposes. Is it? It all seems so narcissistic to me then and now. Having enough time to bullshit around an avid mind and an easy keyboard, hoping for you to know I´m alive, and though strange not alien enough to your own mind and heart desires.

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7 TED Talks en Español

1-Cómo dejar de joderte | Mel Robbins 2-El arte de desorientar | Apollo Robbins  3-¿Qué te hace especial? | Mariana Atencio  4-Cambia tus pe...